History may not repeat itself, but it rhymes

This adage has been attributed to Mark Twain without any confirmation of such. Still, I have been running it through my mind. How often over the past three centuries (or thousands of years if you look back through history) have we been faced with racism and genocide throughout the world? And I’m not certain precisely why.

This is what I’m exploring. I’m reading more about European history. Particularly, I am starting to re-learn feudalism, because it occurs to me that there are some similarities to feudalism in what we are facing in the U.S.

As I watch peaceful and violent protests neither having the desired effect, I wonder what else can be done. One of my professors once said “systems can only be changed from within, not without.” This change is slow and gradual. I believe that this change is possible with allies on the inside of government agencies and voting for People of Color and other minority-status people to government positions.

Even when the path seems blocked, do not give up. Never give up. There is always another way.

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