No War Within, No War Without, Part 2

How to stop the war is the hard part, not the war without, but the war within. People will war with one another. Their wars are not my business. Your duty is to the wars you create. Laying your armor down, laying your sword down is a trembling exposure, like a vulnerable infant.

Who am I? What will happen to me once I lay my armor and sword aside? Will I be injured by another? Will I die from exposure to the harsh elements of the world?

As I have delicately removed each piece of my well-assembled armor, I have found quite the opposite. While I have fear, my fear has not been founded. Without my armor, I find myself less wounded. The armor was only preventing me from feeling and seeing the world as it is. Its protection was entirely blocking the light needed for healing.

Now is the time for growth. May we learn to gently remove the armors we have constructed and have the courage to see the world as it truly is.

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